It is so hard to stay away from the farcical race for the White House in the United States of America. It is a writer’s dream. You are being fed a delight of one-liners. The candidate reorganized his campaign again yesterday with the claim that “I have to be me.”
This guy is running a campaign that could have been scripted by Mack Sennett. For the kids, we should explain that Mack Sennett was a Canadian who helped create Hollywood in California. He gave Charlie Chaplin his start in silent movies and was best known for slapstick humour in series such as the Keystone Comedies.
But the GOP candidate has people both laughing and crying. And if you want to feel really sad, just think of him as President of the United States. This guy likes to think of Russian President-for-life Putin as his best friend forever. We should warn the Russian though that this guy changes his mind every other day.
The person we feel sorry for is Hillary Clinton. She will never get a chance to defeat her opponent. He is so busy defeating himself, she can never get a zinger in to denounce him. People are starting to think of her as a mouth breather. She just stands there with her mouth open in amazement.
If Americans have ever needed a serious third candidate for the presidency, the time is now. There are a lot of disheartened and disillusioned Republicans across the United States who are just going out to get drunk on November 8.
Could you imagine the Electoral College if there are hanging chads or other screw ups at the polls in November. They would have to withdraw the Second Amendment from Electors to eliminate the possibility of a shooting war between them.
There is an Internet video doing the rounds that is hilarious. It shows a group of GOP presidency supporters who think they are in a research focus group. They believe they are reviewing what are reputed to be possible TV ads for their candidate. They are absolutely outrageous proposals but the supporters stick to their guns and discuss them as though they are serious.
One of the men in the group does admit that some of the proposals are a bit off the wall but he believes this will be solved. He thinks that as President of the United States, his candidate will gather some intelligent people around him to tell him what to do. This supporter should be advised not to try to hold his breath waiting for that to happen.
Copyright 2016 © Peter Lowry
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