A thousand welcomes to B.C. MP Joyce Murray. She has declared herself in on the Liberal Party leadership race. She will be a breath of fresh air in a leadership campaign that has been running straight downhill. Joyce is the first left of centre Liberal in the race. She is a proud environmentalist and a person who understands cooperation.
Joyce was first elected in 2008 in Vancouver Quadra. Most people, who have seen it, agree that it is the most beautiful electoral district in Canada. It deserves to have a representative such as Joyce Murray.
Joyce opened her leadership campaign by taking a step towards cooperation with the New Democrats and Greens to dump the Tories in the next election. She believes this strategy can best be carried out at the electoral district level and she would give the authority to the local association executives to carry out the negotiations. While she is cautious about formal collaboration, she sees the local cooperation as a good start.
At the same time, she wants to change how Canadians vote. She believes that our electoral system is not very representative. While disagreeing with her on the purported weaknesses of the first-past-the-post system, she welcomes open discussion and that is what is needed.
She has taken positive steps to end discussion of a tar-sands pipeline across northern British Columbia by bringing forward an act banning oil tankers from that area of British Columbia’s environmentally sensitive coastline.
There will be many opportunities for Joyce to lay out her thoughts on leadership for the Liberal Party and for Canada before the convention and voting next April. Her advocacy of legalizing marijuana and her belief in some kind of carbon tax will be controversial but her advocacy of reform is pure liberalism.
She refused to say anything against opponents in the leadership race because she says that she will not help the Conservatives with their next set of attack ads.
Joyce Murray is proud to be a westerner and she brings much to the Liberal Party and to the current leadership campaign.
Copyright 2012 © Peter Lowry
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