Nobody is crowing about the results in the Ontario by-elections in Vaughan and Kitchener-Waterloo. This is not even a ‘told you so!’ It is just a simple conclusion for Premier Dalton McGuinty and Tory leader Timmy Hudak. The conclusion of this sample vote is that they both have to go.
Ontario no longer needs or wants a liberal premier who blames doctors and teachers for the province’s deficit. Calling an act to deny teachers their civil rights the Putting Students First Act is an insult to the intelligence of the voters. And expecting Kitchener-Waterloo voters to vote Liberal after buying off their sitting Conservative MPP is something only a political neophyte would seriously consider. Conservative voters in Kitchener-Waterloo did what Conservative voters always do when confronted with a silly Conservative leader and an unknown local Conservative candidate, they voted NDP.
It is hard to say how many times this has happened. And, contrary to some of the pundits, Andrea Horwath had nothing to do with it. It was not her victory. If anything, her low profile in the by-election helped the NDP candidate in Kitchener-Waterloo.
The by-election in Vaughan was also very interesting but in a different way. Running Greg Sorbara’s executive assistant and former labour leader in Vaughan for the Liberals was an easy transition. It must have been the best way for Greg Sorbara to apologize for getting out of the fiasco at Queen’s Park.
But how long Steven De Luca will want to sit quietly in caucus at Queen’s Park and listen to McGuinty’s out-of-touch Whig philosophy is a good question. At least, with his background, he knows what he is getting into.
Both McGuinty and Hudak are a drag on their parties. Tiny Tim Hudak is a sad joke carried over from the moribund Michael Harris Conservatives. Dalton McGuinty is just as sadly out of touch with the real world. There is still some hope for Horwath. The lady needs to lose about 15 kilos and some of her union backers along with gaining a better insight into the needs of Ontario voters. The good news is the Liberal and NDP caucuses are going to have a higher average intelligence quotient after these by-elections.
But the sooner the Liberals get a new leader who understands the needs of 21st Century Ontario the better. The Conservatives are in need an entirely new brain trust. Just because many of your followers are out of touch with reality is no excuse for the leader to be like them.
Copyright 2012 © Peter Lowry
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