Patrick Brown MPP eat your heart out. You are no longer India’s darling. Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne has won the media wars in the world’s largest democracy. In homophobic India, a lesbian politician from Canada was a big hit. It never occurred to us Canadians that Kathleen Wynne taking her husband Jane with her was unusual.
But all of India is not as gender friendly as Mumbai which is known as the gay capital of the Sub-Continent. The Indian news media were delighted that the Canadians were invited to the Sikh Golden Temple in Punjab. They were sure the Sikhs would refuse to honour their visitor with the traditional robes during the visit because the Sikh religion abhors same-sex liaisons.
Obviously Ontario Sikhs put in a good word for Ms. Wynne and no international incident took place. After all the clothing she modelled for the news media was just inexpensive cotton. It just made her look like somebody’s granny.
But, at the same time, it was insensitive of the Premier to not pay attention in the briefings by her staff. The staff would have known about the controversy that would surround the premier’s partner coming on the trip. While we would never say that Jane should be left at home, her relationship with the premier needs to be treated as casually as it is in Toronto.
India still has a way to go to finally rid itself of the last of the caste system and to better control the extremes of religion that are found there. And we can hardly expect the burgeoning news media there to not play up the novelty of Ontario’s trade delegation.
But we should try to remember that the premier’s trip has important objectives for Ontario business. Canada can make many products that are needed in the Indian market and, in turn, they have many products that are of interest to us. Improving trade is very important to both economies. While a person such as Ontario Provincial Conservative Leader Patrick Brown might need his connections in India to improve his political gravitas, Wynne’s objective is trade to improve Ontario’s economy.
Admittedly, the payoff for the premier to take this trip is the better relations with the business community people who join her and the publicity the trip generates. From the Sikh Golden Temple to Mahatma Ghandi’s tomb, it is a win-win situation for Wynne. There is no question but that Patrick Brown only uses his connections with India for purely personal purposes.
Copyright 2016 © Peter Lowry
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