At a time when Justin Trudeau is busy busting liberalism in Canada, the conservatives are doing themselves no favours. It is as if there is no place for the old political parties. Even the new democrats are losing their grip. That old time socialism ain’t what it used to be.
But today, let’s stick with the conservative’s problems. And those, they have a plenty. Ruction in the ranks, pathetic provincial leaders and disparate directions are just a few. When you realize that Justin Trudeau is the longest serving first minister in Canada and that only one province and the Yukon have liberal governments, you get a sense of the problem.
And where do you start. Just because the Coalition Avenir Québec doesn’t call itself conservative does not mean it is not conservative. It has its own ideas on what is fair and the federal government is going to have to take the Quebec government to the supreme court to get them to stop discriminating against religion and the English language.
Ontario is likely to present the most ongoing problems. There are actually people who say they will vote conservative next June and if enough commit that act of lunacy the province would have four more years of an incompetent government intent on creating a dynasty. One almost hopes that Doug Ford and his buddies are stupid enough to turn down the federal offer of ten dollar a day daycare.
And none of the Prairie provinces is helping. There is a new gal in Manitoba, a nerd named Moe going nowhere in Saskatchewan and then Jason Kenney in Alberta. Things are so bad under conservative rule in Alberta that Albertans, at least in Calgary and Edmonton, are starting to vote liberal.
With Alberta and Ontario headed for provincial elections next year, we can have a contest to see who is the most distrusted conservative leader in Canada. The conservative party of Canada will be having a vote to see if Erin O’Toole has legs for the next federal election or is to be cast aside.
And to think there are liberals who are dissatisfied with the leadership we get in our federal and provincial liberal parties.
Copyright 2021 © Peter Lowry
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