It is truly amazing how Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump can put down women so casually and then hide behind one. The question is though whether his daughter Ivanka is like any ordinary woman you know? She fronted Trump at the Republican convention in the summer and is back again to star in $7.5 million worth of television commercials.
The very fact that the Trump campaign is finally spending some money on television advertising is a message in itself. The message is that he knows he is losing. He has discovered that social media alone cannot do the job. He has already hit the ceiling with the social media reach. He is old news.
But using Ivanka is in itself a story. To say that Ivanka is a Trump product is only half of it. She is a slim and perfect 30-something Barbie Doll. Mattel should sue Trump for infringement on their copyright. Animated, tall and cold, she is an amusing foil for her misogynist father. She appears on the television screen as the best that money can buy.
All she lacks is credibility as she reads the prompters about the plight of women in her father’s society. From her opening lines. It is almost as though she is saying: ‘If he can produce a person as perfect as me, he can’t be all bad!’
But it leaves you wondering if she could possibly be the result of accidental meeting of sperm and egg. Is she human? Would she be as rich if she were not so loyal to her father? Would she be as articulate without the coaching and scripting? Would we even listen if she was not her father’s daughter?
But when he uses her is it not really his ego that it serves? If there is one thing that Donald Trump convinces us of, it is his ego. There is an ego there that could serve an army of politicians. It is that ego that we watched carry him through the Republican Party primaries. We watched him glibly lie and tell tall tales reviling his opponents. A politician would have gone down in flames doing what he did.
But Trump trumpeted on. He won a free pass into the Republican National Convention. It was his to co-op into his triumph. It fed his ego from beginning to end. He did it by trusting family over politicians.
And he continues to use family as an extension of himself. It is as though he were an ancient potentate establishing his dynasty. It will be interesting to see how many Americans buy into that dynasty on November 8.
Copyright 2016 © Peter Lowry
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