Have you noticed how dour the U.S. president is looking in all his recent pictures? The guy has forgotten how to smile. The only time we saw him smirk, even a little, was during that disgusting scene on the south lawn of the White House when his hand-picked audience where screaming: ‘Four more years!
Do you think Mr. Trump is worried about how he is going to deliver on that four more years? He was hardly out on top of the polls four years ago at this time either, And all us pundits of the left, right and centre were writing him off as a lost cause. What we saw was a lack of discipline. We saw the lack of dedication among his supporters.
And why would we suspect a guy who spends his hours of insomnia writing stupid claims in Twitter to have any possibilities? Why would any self-respecting republican want to vote for a sociopath? Isn’t this guy in denial over covid-19? He brushes it off. Isn’t that what we would all like to do?
As a Canadian, I agree with Bob Hepburn of the Toronto Star. I think Mr. Trump has a thing for Canada. He does not like that young twirp of a prime minister we have. He thinks he is rude. He sees our daily two-billion in trade across the Canada-U.S. border as living off U.S. largesse.
Maybe he was not able to make as much as he thought he should off that Trump Tower in Toronto?
But, no matter how much Mr. Trump has it in for Canada, we would be much better off than Americans if Trump wins in November. Trump would put the racial tensions in America into high gear with his ‘law and order campaign. In a pandemic, voter suppression would be easy if you control the post office.
Whether we live above or below the Canada-U.S. border, we have to all be very concerned about the U.S. election. We have much at stake.
Copyright 2020 © Peter Lowry
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