There was a song going through my mind last night as we were waiting for early returns on the American election. (Yes, Canadians do get excited about American elections. And believe me, we have more than one pony in the race.) The song on my mind was the Les Paul/Mary Ford version of The World Is Waiting For The Sunrise.
It is an up-beat, breezy tune that seems to meet the mood of people who want the Trump Night to be over. It has been four years of darkness.
But we sit here, the morning after and we feel no better. Mr. Trump, in his usual gauche style, has claimed the prize of four more years in the white house. If you do not believe in wished-for turnarounds, you feel the bastard might have it right.
Sitting, watching the early returns with the wife, I found I was explaining the state-controlled voting and the importance of each state in the race for the president because of the archaic Electoral College system. We did not wait for Trump to claim a false victory, we knew the questions would still be there in the morning.
The wife’s last question was how come there were so many stupid Americans? The only answer was because there are also stupid Canadians. We slept on that.
And the morning is no brighter. Though, we awoke to a warming breeze in this part of North America.
Late in the night I was puzzling over the apparent Trump strength. I think it puzzles many, on both sides of the border how seemingly religious people could support the lies and human weaknesses of Mr. Trump. I think it is in the same way as they are often God-fearing, Born-Again Christians.
It is not that they believe every word of the Gospel thumpers but they accept the Word as more of a belief than a truth. Trump cannot tell the difference between right and wrong. People just believe in him and accept him, lies and all.
Well, I guess God is not going to help us either.
Copyright 2020 © Peter Lowry
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