Why would that message pop up on your computer? You know, and I know, there is no such thing as free! It little matters whether the message was from Microsoft, Google or Apple. These companies all do it. In this case it was Microsoft. The company is the most arrogant of all computer companies.
I remember years ago at a Microsoft-hosted conference in Seattle and the company was making its pitch to gain control of a new market. There were some 2000 computer people in that vast auditorium but I managed to grab a microphone first. I told the audience the name of my Toronto company and all I added was that while I spoke with a Canadian accent, when it came to Microsoft’s promises, I was from Missouri. The audience had a good laugh at Bill Gates’ company.
If you even think you are calling Microsoft today, you might get one of those small companies licenced to sell Microsoft products and services. They are like Remora fish that attach themselves to larger sharks and whales and reportedly feast on their feces.
What galls me most about the modern Microsoft is that the company still releases product before it is finished. It seems to rely on its customers to encounter, and help fix, the errors in its programs. How often have I wondered what little additions have been added to those updates, they ask you to accept?
Add to that the obvious paranoia of the company. I can get into my bank accounts easier than into a computer. Have you ever counted the number of names and passwords you need to start your computer and even get to the Microsoft Store? It is so bad that you have to keep a book of passwords beside the computer—which defeats the purpose of passwords.
And they all do it. My wife has two I-Pads. One of our grandsons set up the first one for her and figured she would remember the passwords. She didn’t. Neither did he. We took it to Apple and they were no help at all. I had to get her a new I-Pad and she now uses a handy book for all her codes.
Copyright 2021 © Peter Lowry
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