During Europe’s bubonic plagues in the Middle Ages, the tumbrils being hauled down cobblestone laneways were accompanied by calling out: Bring out your dead. And if there was anyone still alive—and capable—they did. It might be the system to bring caution to U.S. states such as Florida.
But stupidity during the 21st century’s covid-19 pandemic is not reserved for Florida. It is evident elsewhere. It is evident in states where vaccines are available and underutilized. It is there for people who think they are immune. It is available to the anti-vaxxer—yes, even the most stupid of all. They think they are immune until they catch a variant of the virus and die.
But that is what is stretching the medical resources in some jurisdictions beyond reason. It probably costs less to capture, inoculate and release than to let this species of sub-human cause more death and destruction. Yet, God forgive us, we do not deny them the human right to die. They can drink themselves to death. They can go play on the freeway. They can refuse a vaccine. They think they can jump from tall buildings at a single bound.
There is no criminal law that denies them the right to be ignorant, to follow their own drummer and to piss into the wind.
We have to face the fact that people like to choose their own leaders so that they have someone to blame for their own stupidity.
If they believe that if there really is a pandemic, they probably believe that it has come to cull the herd and that the vaccines will not give anyone herd immunity. They throw themselves at the feet of their God or Donald Trump, whichever is current, and ask for a blessing.
And it is not just Americans who are jerks. Take that guy, who must cut his own hair, who is running things in the United Kingdom. That guy is standing Canute-like and defying the tides of the pandemic. He might yet get to kill more Brits than that fellow Hitler did in a world war. He is standing on the shores of the English Channel, no mask, no restrictions, defying the deadliest variants of covid to do their utmost. It might be best folks to hunker down for a while longer and reject any foreign travel, until all these braggarts are dead.
Copyright 2021 © Peter Lowry
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