It is called a laissez passer. It is similar to a passport but identifies the role of the individual at the United Nations or one of the non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and their role with the United Nations. It is issued by the United Nations to assist their personnel and NGO officials in carrying out their duties around the world.
And all I want is a laissez passer to get me where I want to go as a fully vaccinated person in Ontario. I have done my duty as a good citizen. I have hunkered down during all the lockdowns. I have foregone travel in my own province. I have worn those goddamn masks that make it hard to breath, easy to sneeze and fogs up my glasses. I got both of my vaccinations as early as possible. And now—after a year and a half of pandemic panic, I am supposed to be free. I have places to go and things to do. Why should I be held back by the anti-vaxxers and those who shilly-shally over getting their shots.
If it is their right to refuse to be vaccinated, it is my right to be released from lockdowns. I want a laissez passer.
The Blue Jays are coming home and I want to be there to cheer them on. There is nothing to match a warm sunny afternoon at the Dome. Those of us with both our shots are more than enough to fill those seats and cheer the boys on.
I want to go to the casino and challenge the live dealers. I want to play table games with real people. Show your laissez passer and welcome to the table.
I want to go out to dinner at a decent restaurant—without all the fooforaw of masks and plexiglass dividers between diners. I want to browse the wines at the LCBO without keeping the next deserving customer from getting in.
And who has the information needed for your personal laissez passer? None other than that poor, simple-minded premier of Ontario: Doug Ford. The records are there as to who got their shots and when. Our district health boards gave us our vaccinations and have all the records. All I want is a nice handy, wallet-sized card that I can show to skeptics. I deserve a laissez passer.
Copyright 2021 © Peter Lowry
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