It looks as though the news media were the only people looking for a political deal to lock in the new federal government. It is not really needed. And it could be a more effective parliament because of the open atmosphere. Unless there is some horrendous gaffe committed by prime minister Justin Trudeau, he has clear sailing for the next couple years. Sure, MPs will wet their finger to test the wind occasionally, that is just a smart politico.
The only person with trouble sooner is conservative leader Erin O’Toole. His fractious and unruly caucus has no “good-before” date. It all depends on who will want to take him down and when. And he can hardly look for allies in the provinces. The Ontario general election in June ‘22 might not do much for the conservative brand. Nor will the ongoing strife in Alberta offer any solace before a planned provincial election there in 2023.
While Jagmeet Singh might not be the sharpest knife in their drawer, the new democrats have little reason to be restive. Nobody really proved anything in that 2021 election, least of all the NDP. It is a party without direction or a future until it puts an end to its out of touch socialism and worrying about its lost influence with Canada’s unions.
The NDP should look at the green party and offer some of that party a new home. With new leadership and a realistic base of environmentalism, the NDP could become a more potent force.
There is little need to say anything positive about the Bloc Québécois. They are but a reminder of the counter-productive tribalism between the Anglo and Francophone elements who put this country together—so badly. It is not the statues of our nation’s founders that should be knocked down but their ill-considered statutes.
With parliament to convene in another week, we will soon start be able to learn more about the cabinet Justin Trudeau has drawn around him. It will be their performance that matters.
Copyright 2021 © Peter Lowry
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