The Grand old Duke of York, he had an old-time friend. He marched him up on top of girl too young, and marched him down again.
The incident spells the end of the British monarchy. The fiction dies with Queen Elizabeth II. Her reign spans from the end of history to the end of the world, as Brits have known it. Good for two thousand years, it was.
But good things end. Brexit saw to that. The union of England, Wales, Scotland and the bit left of Ireland cannot exist without the support of Europe. The French have finally won the wars of the centuries. The win is only by default.
The colonies are gone. The Commonwealth is but a fiction for wannabes. Canada stands firmly wherever the United States of America wants it.
But where will Canada stand when America implodes? Will Trump take Canada into the abyss of lies along with his God-forsaken country?
Will the United States Marines rise up to save their country? Will Canada be in the balcony for the Second American Revolution? Or will it be inundated with American refugees? Will we have to arm the 49th Parallel?
Meanwhile, in the dis-United Kingdom, who will dispatch that guy who so desperately needs a good barber? Will common sense ever return to that parliament on the Thames? Will the non-King Charles negotiate even a share of the wealth of the former monarchy? What will the government do with the former royal stables? Or the breeding of royal Corgis?
Will Russia’s Putin have won over the now defunct North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)? Will China allow Canada to sell wheat and canola to the Orient?
Will China and Russia divide the spoils to dominate the world or will they cross nuclear swords in a final display of intransigence.
In this dystopian world there will be no monarchies, just dictatorships for what future our progeny will endure.
Copyright 2022 © Peter Lowry
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