It’s an old maxim: Never trust anyone who says “Trust me.” And when it comes to Ontario premier Doug Ford, you should tell him to sell that worn-out jalopy to someone else. He thinks he is a great salesman. He is having trouble selling Highway 413. Nobody believes him. He is carving up the Greenbelt for his developer friends. There is a growing distrust in that. He wants to change the way we appoint the senior judge in Ontario. He tried to sneak that by us. Now, we find that his privatization of medicine in Ontario is without any inspections or other scrutiny.
We have peer review in our hospitals and yet no inspection for private surgical clinics? That is outrageous. That is a license to steal. Oh, I’m sorry. It seems these places will be licenced by some appointee who is probably not qualified to pass judgement on their expertise. There are no qualified people to be appointed to approve them. No wonder a conscientious minister of health refused to run on the Ford team in last year’s election.
What do you think you are doing to our Ontario Mr. Ford? You have loosened up liquor regulations to the point where every city and town can have a Gin Alley. You have licenced more casinos that any Ontario resident expected to see in their lifetime. Those heavy-handed ads for Internet casinos are becoming obnoxious and too much.
I always thought Kathleen Wynne was a bit too cautious in opening up beer in grocery stores. Compared to Doug Ford she was a Puritan. I’m expecting him to allow the grocers to convert their end isles to mini bars to give shoppers the nerve to continue on to the frightening cash registers. Maybe the grocers would prefer to convert some of their end isles into payday loan kiosks to pay for those few groceries.
I feel sometimes that we are just aiding and abetting stupidity when we complain about Doug Ford. Some people, somewhere are laughing at us. Did we do something to deserve Ford?
Copyright 2023 © Peter Lowry
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