Premier Doug Ford of Ontario is dumbing down the province. He keeps taking us down rabbit holes for the less literate, the less learned. Today’s lesson from the fount of all ignorance is that new police people do not need to complete high school. We are sliding down a snake in a continuing game of Snakes and Ladders. Only in this case, the snake is named Ford.
First, with the help of the pandemic, he destroys our healthcare system. Nurses and other professionals are fleeing a profession where they are exhausted with impossible workloads. And what is the “stupid” solution from Ford but to promote private clinics. We still seem to have a finite number of healthcare workers, so Ford promotes the less trained to do the nursing task.
It is nice to see that the stupid like to stick together. One of the first asks of Ford when he took over the premier’s office five years ago was that an unqualified friend takeover as commissioner of the provincial police.
And, judging by his provincial cabinet, loyalty beats competency, any day. It is like having a private schooled education minister. We wouldn’t want him to understand the system, would we?
To be fair, the mailman just dropped a pamphlet from my member of parliament through the mail slot. It showed his constituents how fat he is getting living the high life in Ottawa. Of course, the member of parliament for Barrie—Springwater—Oro-Medonte would be a conservative. I have no idea how smart he is but this pamphlet reads like a kindergarten piece. He wants his constituents to answer three simple questions that would identify them as conservative or other.
What else would you be if you voted ‘yes’ to supporting conservatives in a plan to vote against all new tax increases. And then there is being concerned about the rising cost of living under the liberals. Sure, blame Canada’s liberals for the world-wide inflation. There is one open question and I hope his conservative constituents tell him to join a gym and take off some of the excess weight. That is also a good thought for Doug Ford.
Copyright 2023 © Peter Lowry
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