A piece of junk mail came to my home the other day. It was probably the worst mailing from a political party, I have ever seen. There must be Ontario residents in their twenties today who would not remember the Mike Harris conservatives and their common-sense revolution of 1995. The ignorance of what these federal conservatives are offering Canadians today is even more frightening.
This mailer said that they can increase paycheques, build affordable homes, lower prices, make our streets safer and bring home “freedom” (whatever that means?). I might not be a big fan of Justin Trudeau but at least he doesn’t treat Canadians as though they are stupid.
What annoys me the most about these conservatives is that they are railing against the government that got us the vaccines to carry us through a world-wide pandemic. The first concern of the liberal government during the pandemic was our people, making sure they the money they needed to live through those terrible times of lock-downs and constant fear of becoming sick and dying.
These are conservatives who are opposed to cutting back on the pollution that is throwing our world into the chaos of climate change. They are opposed to any new taxes, whether they are designed to help people or not.
You would think that the time of Stephen Harper as prime minister would have proved to many Canadians that the meanness and cruelty of that conservative government did not need repetition. Ontario residents should be particularly wary after the lies and larceny of its conservative provincial government under Doug Ford.
I have no idea why these modern-day conservatives are so ideological and ignore the real needs of Canadians. They certainly march to a different drummer than conservatives such as prime minister John Diefenbaker and Ontario’s premier Bill Davis. As a liberal, I liked those two—because they cared about people.
Pierre Poilievre MP is a man of little life experience, who is committed to the extremes of conservatism. He will do anything, say anything, to get people to vote for him and his followers.
Copyright 2023 © Peter Lowry
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