It is obvious that the federal conservative party has more money than good sense these days. Watching their current $3 million advertising campaign, one can only think of the despair it could bring. What the advertising does not tell Canadians is the type of government Mr. Poilievre would try to institute in Canada.
This is a man who has never experienced a real wage-earning job. It is as though he ticks off the boxes to be acceptable to the average Canadian. Have wife and family: done. Win conservative leadership: done. Ditch glasses: done. Lose tie: done. Try to smile: in process. Muss hair: done. He is not a warm and fuzzy person.
Mr. Poilievre’s politics are to the right of his mentor Stephen Harper. He is a western Canada conservative from Alberta. His politics are more libertarian than conservative. He offers Canadians a new freedom, from what, nobody knows.
He promises business and industry freedom from regulation. He promises the grocery chains freedom to charge what they want. He will do nothing to curb inflation. He doesn’t care. He wants unfettered capitalism. He wants less regulation.
We should never forget that this is the foolish member of parliament who welcomed the supposed “Freedom Convoy” to Ottawa. He took them donuts. When it became necessary to ask them to leave Ottawa, Mr. Poilievre was not to be found.
Lately Mr. Poilievre has been in parliament in the role of the leader of the opposition. This is a responsibility to make sure that government legislation meets the needs of Canadians. It is not just to oppose and ridicule any and all legislation.
This is a man who promises smaller, less intrusive government. He doesn’t tell Canadians what departments he would do away with. He fails to tell us where he will save money for his cuts in taxes. He seems uninterested in the wildfires that can devastate our logging industry. He seems to consider global warming to be inconsequential. He will cancel liberal attempts to decrease pollution and will give the tar sands exploiters in the west free reign to pollute the environment.
Copyright 2023 © Peter Lowry
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