There was going to be a first in this blog. It was going to include a graphic of the new Ontario Liberal Party logotype. Well, maybe not. If and when we learn how to put pictures into this version of WordPress, we will do it. In the meantime, you will have to imagine a big red solid “L” for Learner and a red line and then a solid word “LIBERAL” and then a lighter word “ONTARIO.” And this is supposed to be creative!
Having been involved in the production of numerous logotypes over the years, you find that each one tells its own story. Every new leader of the Liberal Party in Ontario seems to want to make their personal imprint and obviously Kathleen Wynne is no exception. It is too bad. This one seems to say more about her and the party than she intended.
They should have tried the logotype so that it read as Ontario Liberal. Liberal should be a foundation for the province, not something for the province to hold up. The typography puts the weight of the party on the province.
It is not a bad design for a fence. It is unconsciously defensive. We wonder just who it is designed to keep out.
It is a logo with absolutely no motion. It is not going anywhere. It gives you the impression that neither is the party.
It is visually top down. So is the party. It is a party that is unabashedly run from the top. The party leader is the boss. The party leader’s people pick the candidates, run the party, choose the policies, pick the party officials, hire the party staff and tell party members what to think, what to do and when to do it. Not that they really need those pesky party members anyway.
The only thing the Ontario Liberal Party has going for it is its opposition. It has an opposition that would keep Attila the Hun in power. The only thing that the Conservatives have not tried yet on Tiny Tim Hudak is a personality. New Democrat Andrea Horwath just needs to accept her personal trainer as her saviour.
But, as far as the logo is concerned, Wynne and her friends would have better spent the money on some relationship training. The first people they need to get involved in where the Ontario Liberals are going are the members of the party. They also have a stake in it.
Copyright 2013 © Peter Lowry
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