Don’t expect me to Twitter
Because it doesn’t matter.
My thoughts of every day,
Are not that long, anyway.
My gay friends are atwitter
The right-wing are so bitter
George is going to city hall
He will paint it pink next fall.
Jack reported in his twitter
That guy Harper’s a quitter
Hasn’t said anything polite
Since Ignatieff lost his fight.
Heard from a Babel twitter
Babel MP’s a counterfeiter
Writes a really big cheque
And he don’t give a heck.
Sure wish I invented Twitter
And wouldn’t be a quitter,
I would live as a zillionaire,
Now wouldn’t that be fair?
I never really liked a Twitter
No point to it to being bitter
Average reader’s attention,
Ain’t really worth a mention.
Can’t earn money on Twitter
I’d do better as a steamfitter
But I’m taking up all this time,
Proving I know how to rhyme.
With apologies for the lack of perfect metre, other complaints can be directed to [email protected]