Public opinion polls can never replace voting. And the provincial election is not going to happen until New Democrat Leader Andrea Horwath says it will. So, you might as well cool it. There will be lots more promises made and polls taken before the voters make the decision. Ontario voters might be conflicted and confused but they are not too complex.
And how much choice do they really have? If a born-again conservative gets to listen to Tiny Tim Hudak, he or she will realize that jumping off a cliff is also an option. It is when you know that Timmy is not even a reasonable clone of former Premier Mike Harris, that you understand the desperation. The last Ontario election was a trip downhill for Timmy and his troopers. If his campaign team gets smart this time and sends him on a family safari in Africa during the campaign, the Tories might have a chance.
Nobody knows where to send New Democrat Andrea Horwath. She will have the usual pocketful of goodies to scatter during the campaign but without a theme or focus, her campaign will be a yawning waste of time and money. She reminds voters of the Pillsbury dough boy. No matter where you poke her, all you are going to get is a giggle.
And speaking of giggles, have you met Ontario’s most earnest premier? In a series of convoluted backroom deals at the former Maple Leaf Gardens last year, she became leader of the Ontario Liberals and head of our provincial government. She has been clinging to power ever since. And the good ship Liberal has been sailing some stormy seas over that time.
But she has met the challenge with a constant series of financial promises that would be a stretch for the federal budget. She has been noted for her street scene commercials. If she could not get the police to close those roads for her, she would be road kill by now. Maybe she can get better writers and producers for her election campaign commercials.
But the truth is that if Ontario voters were all forced to go to the polls today to elect a new legislative assembly, most of us would be inclined to mark our ballot for “None of the above.” It might be time to go back to voting for the person in our riding who best represents us and our concerns. We could at least send some people we like to represent us at Queen’s Park.
Copyright 2014 © Peter Lowry
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