If the spin doctors fail to do their jobs tomorrow, does that mean the leaders’ debate does not matter? With the most inane of the commentary on Twitter, you will get the impression that the writers of that stuff expect 12-year olds to vote. Despite the spin effort of each party, it is the run-up to the debate that is the most difficult for the leaders’ handlers.
The most obvious questions and attacks are going to be analyzed and re-analyzed by each leader’s team before a close on the prep time is decided. It is even a consensus when you let the candidate rest. There is such a thing as being over-prepared for these events.
Some leaders go through the debate on full automatic and others need time in the debate to hit their stride. And it takes considerable analysis to see how your leader can make a difference. Here is what you should look for in each leader Tuesday evening:
Kathleen Wynne has to maintain her dignity as Premier and try not to come across as a school teacher with an unruly class of two. She has to stay away from detail in critiquing her opponents but she is allowed to scoff at some of their suggestions. She can hardly run around the studio or do some push-ups for the audience but she needs to make sure she appears energetic and not the grandmother she is. Expect her to build a strong case based on her party’s existing budget plan and some of the promises already announced. There will be no blockbuster or game changer in her approach. Expect a solid performance.
Conservative Tim Hudak has the most to lose at this stage. His million job plan has already been discredited but he is going to try to save it by saying that nobody denies there will be jobs created; they are just arguing how many (a false assumption). His biggest problem is that shit-kicker grin that he pastes over any normal expression. After you have seen it for a while, you start to question his level of intelligence.
New Democrat Andrea Horwath will be there seeking redemption. The viewers have already realized that she is toast after this election. Her party did her in. There is no way she can repair the dissension in the ranks, her party’s lack of a coherent program and her desperate attacks on Kathleen Wynne. If she continues to attack Wynne as being corrupt at this stage, her entire presence will be for nothing. If it were not for her public speaking limitations, she could be useful in attacking the inherent cruelty in Hudak’s approach. If she wastes time attacking Wynne, she will just be helping the Conservatives.
Copyright 2014 © Peter Lowry
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