Step right up folks. The Conservative Party is ready to buy your vote. If you do not worm your way to the head of the line, you might miss out. After all a lot of Canadians have suffered so that the greedy can get their snout in the trough. It is time for the payoff.
There is no pretence here. Prime Minister Stephen Harper made it very clear the other day that there will be a stream of goodies available for Conservative Party supporters over the next year. He will be announcing many of them at carefully staged and managed events across Canada. (God forbid that budget items become lost in the shuffle of a busy budget day in Ottawa.)
But even if you miss the first big announcement of your payoff, never fear, there will be lots more occasions to hear how beneficial it can be to be Tory.
There are some lesser luminaries in the cabinet than the Prime Minister who also get to announce these bribes. Maybe the Prime Minister was a bit leery of the Employment Insurance cuts for small business. Most experts have already written that idea off as a straight payment into the business owners’ pockets. It certainly did next to nothing for job creation. It made Finance Minister Joe Oliver look silly but that seems to be his permanent expression.
It will be interesting to see who does the big announcement for income sharing. The efficacy of this idea was even denied by the late Finance Minister Jim Flaherty. After leaving office, he made it very clear that he thought income sharing for friends of the Conservative Party was a really stupid idea. He said the money was going to all the wrong people—particularly those who did not need the money.
Another expected and most unnecessary move will be the doubling of the annual contribution to tax free savings accounts. That will be most appreciated by people who need more places to put money that they do not need. It needed about 10,000 federal civil servants to lose their jobs to pay for that goodie!
But get in line folks. You will get your turn. And if you have some really good idea that will help you, be sure to mention it to your favourite Tory bagman when you make your next donation. You have to be realistic you know. The real benefits to the rich will only kick in when and if you can get those Conservatives re-elected.
Copyright 2014 © Peter Lowry
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