Hey you jerks, please do not do that for us. We do not want the Keystone XL pipeline either. Canadians who care are firmly against any pipelines that try to pump bitumen to the sea. That tar sands stuff is three times as polluting as West Texas crude oil. Why in hell would you want to promote faster global warming?
We hate to tell you this but President Obama is right. There is no profit for America to allow that atrocity by TransCanada Pipelines across the United States. There are no long term jobs. There are some royalties to landowners and there are some dock workers’ wages where that crap would be pumped into ocean going tankers.
What you get instead is part of the blame for destroying our planet when there is really no need for anyone to dig up that tar sands bitumen to make synthetic oil. Hundred years from now when we are shipping humans off to other galaxies because our planet is dying, we might need some bitumen then. And we know where it is.
And do you realize how stupid it makes you look to fight with President Obama on this issue? What are you, a bunch of Johnny One-Notes? Why do you not find something worth fighting about? Our administration in Ottawa makes so many mistakes it is hard to tell where to begin in the list of things that need fixing. You people do not seem to have any bloody imagination.
Your Republican Senator from Indiana, Dan Coats is quoted in one our newspapers as saying that the Keystone XL pipeline was the “largest ready-to-build infrastructure project in the United States.” That is sad. He is actually quoted as saying that the pipeline creates thousands of jobs and invests billions in the American economy. It would seem that your Mr. Coats is a failure of the American public school system. He might also be feeble-minded.
But he does not seem much smarter than another 59 of your Senators who intend to pass that foolishly named Bill 1 by the end of January. They must be doing this because they are not allowed to use a sharp stick to goad your president. He has already told you that he will refuse to sign your Bill. So get a life.
This fiasco is nothing but a political argument between Democrats and Republicans. It is really too bad that none of you were elected to do something positive for your constituents. You actually make those dumb bunnies Canadians keep caged in Ottawa’s Parliament Buildings look intelligent.
Copyright 2015 © Peter Lowry
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