Just when you are hoping that politics in Canada will not sink any lower, you get an evening of politics even worse.
It started innocuously with the evening news on Shaw’s Global National with Dawna Friezen. Every newscast today seems to have its own panel of experts ready to tell us all what to think. Global is no exception. The only problem was that this panel was made up of surrogates for the three major party leaders. Friezen quickly lost control of the panel and the control room did not have the smarts to cut certain microphones. Great start!
And then we tuned in the debate being broadcast from Calgary to advertise the Toronto Globe and Mail. We thought we would have to watch it on streaming video on the computer but we found it by accident on Hamilton’s orphan television station.
And it also started with another inane panel. These were all Globe and Mail employees trying to show us how smart they are. They are not but we had lots of time to make popcorn and settle down for the show.
Nice set though. It looked like the parliament buildings. In Calgary?
The moderator was some other high Globe and Mail mucky-muck. He should never be hired by the local primary school as recess monitor. He looked like he wanted to get into the mêlée rather than control it.
And if Stephen Harper had started just one more sentence with “Well look,” the wife was going throw the popcorn bowl at an expensive flat screen television. Luckily she got bored and fell asleep before he said it ten more times.
Even after the debate, it continued. The CBC National News was ready with its panel to analyze the debate. It goes on forever! And that guy from the National Post, who has an opinion on everything, thought Mr. Harper won the debate. That shows how biased he is.
At least Peter Mansbridge controls his panel. When he asked Chantal Hébert who she thought had won, she demurred but said the Radio-Canada people with whom she was watching in Montreal thought Mr. Trudeau won.
And, in a sense, he did. He was the only participant with any vision of where he was going. Mr. Harper was the same old-same old. And Mr. Mulcair was smarmy and trying hard to be funny. He failed.
Copyright 2015 © Peter Lowry
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