A new year and there are no complaints. The year is much too young and it offers too many opportunities to us. We want to think of 2016 as a lemonade year. Every lemon dealt to you is an opportunity to make better lemonade.
Canada is such a beautiful country. It also has a Loonie that has fallen so low that we are now inviting our American friends to Canada for a cheap vacation. We finally have some snow on our ski hills, so come to Ontario. See, we are making lemonade with a weak Loonie. Why go south when our tourist industry is getting the shot it needs?
Our favourite Prime Minister Justin Trudeau might want an elitist solution to an elitist Senate of Canada but we are suggesting to him that electing a proportional senate would be a much better solution. See what we mean? It makes another glass of lemonade.
It means little can go wrong. We are golden with our promises to try to arrest climate change but the trick is to make some progress towards our goals. So far the discussion has been on a carbon tax to go with what they call cap and trade. What happens is that the carbon producers get to set the caps and make the trades and the consumer pays the tax. The provinces will get the tax, the federal government will cut transfer payments to the provinces to balance the books and the taxpayers will be left wondering who rigged this ponzi scheme? It was a win-win from the bravado act of upping the stakes for saving the planet during the election and again at the Paris conference.
And nobody is going to be too upset about the new Trudeau government missing its target of whatever number of refugees to be brought to Canada before the end of January or whenever. The very image of trying left the Trudeau ministers in the hero category.
And then there is gender equality. Can industry follow the Trudeau Cabinet lead? Can government boards and commissions be far behind? It will create jobs for women to be the consultants who will find the women leaders for us. Job creation makes even more lemonade.
The return to the long-form census spells a new era for scientists working for the government. And science creates jobs. We could even call it scientific lemonade.
Copyright 2016 © Peter Lowry
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