It was over three years ago that we last travelled to the nation’s capital to talk with the Canadian Radio-Television Telecommunications Commission (CRTC). When there, we faced the enemy and their henchmen. We saw Bell Canada and Rogers in action. We talked to the commissioners about ‘skinny basic’ service for cable, fiber and satellite television customers. All the while, the telecoms glared at us intervenors and said ‘no.’
It was a bravura performance by Canada’s telecoms. They knew they were destined to lose. They had resisted reason as long as they could. Their arguments were based on greed. They had used up their political clout. Their arguments were hollow. Their bags of tricks had been wasted. The fight was winding down.
We have certainly lived in interesting time. We were there for the establishment of the CRTC back in the 1970s. It was an argument many of us urged on the Pearson and Trudeau governments. We young turks had taken on the famed Hon. Jack Pickerskill when he tried to tell us not to abandon the out-of-date Board of Broadcast Governors. We wanted regulators with teeth to regulate broadcasting and the rapidly growing telecommunications empires. We wanted the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation to just be one of the regulated. We wanted all to have equal footing.
The industry has changed dramatically since those times. We have watched the carriers gobble up the broadcasters. We have allowed broadcast news to become nothing more than promotion for more profitable products. The news talent has gone from mentor to huckster. Today we rally to CBC News and Radio Canada for something to hold on to.
To get to the point, the other day we called Bell Canada and asked for the ‘skinny basic’ package for our Fibe TV service. “Of course sir,” was the immediate response. And then came the ‘buts.’
It seems that the $24.99 ‘Starter’ package is really a $34.99 (plus tax) package. So much for truth in advertising! Until we asked for the lower priced package, our Fibe TV was bundled with our Internet service. It seems that Bell penalizes customers for asking for the ‘skinny basic’ by taking back the bundle discounts. Oh well, if they do not have the bundle for us, we can always shop around for a better deal on the Internet.
Copyright 2016 © Peter Lowry
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