Last weekend there was a trifecta in political opinions in the Toronto Star that were equally wrong. The paper must be desperate for more knowledgeable opinions other than their usual scribes. To my surprise, I was appalled at the opinion expressed by new democrat Robin V. Sears, concerned at the meandering thoughts of conservative Jaime Watt and then in further disagreement with Professor Penny Collenette, a normally very astute liberal commentator.
One reason I have tended to agree with Ms. Collenette is that I have known her husband since he was in high school and while I stayed away from the Prime Minister’s Office in Ottawa over the Chrétien years, I admired her perseverance there.
But if I had to pick the competent women in critical positions in world politics, I would leave American Nancy Pelosi and Brit Theresa May far down the list. Contrary to Penny Collenette’s opinion, neither is right for the job they are attempting to do.
First of all, Theresa May is trying to do the impossible task of putting through a policy that she never did believe in. She is supporting BREXIT because she wants the job of prime minister, not because she is committed to the cause. She does not have a horse in the race. And people are following her? Where to? What kind of legacy is that? It would be like Winston Churchill being a Nazi sympathizer throughout World War II. May’s predecessor did the honourable thing and resigned. And yet Theresa May is putting her voters and their ancient homelands at risk. The United Kingdom does not have a future as some minor adjunct of the European Union. It has to have a leadership position that can help keep the EU together with the UK in common cause.
And putting Theresa May and representative Nancy Pelosi together is a farce. Pelosi is the wrong generation. She is from the past, a manipulator and a conniver from the old school. What the Democrats need in the House of Representatives is leadership. There has to be a democrat under 50 in that house who knows what the hell it needs in the way of leadership. Let Pelosi do the backroom backstabbing and let the country have some decent leadership for a change
Copyright 2018 © Peter Lowry
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