About a quarter million Americans can now be classified as slaves. They are not being paid for their work. They have to do their jobs anyway. You will understand this better when you realize that they work for an organization that has Donald Trump as its chief executive officer. These people all work for the Trump Administration.
Mind you it takes more than one party to create an impasse. The Senate had a money bill to pass and then for president Trump to sign. Mr. Trump said he would only sign it if it included $5 billion for his wall to keep the Spanish-speaking hordes away from the purity of the United States of America.
The Bigot-in-Chief had promised his ignorant followers that he would build a wall across the south of the country. It was the cornerstone, so to speak, of his campaign for the presidency. At his rallies, he would have them all screaming “Build the wall!”
This type of impasse could not happen in Canada. In Canada the supply of money to the government administration is provided by what are called supply bills. If one of these bills is defeated in parliament, the government that proposed it is considered defeated and the problem of money is handed to the Governor General (representing the Queen). This worthy then makes the payments to the civil servants and either calls on someone else to try to form a government or calls for a general election.
Regrettably, the people who wrote the American constitution did not think of this. Since many of them were slave owners anyway, they did not worry very much about people being paid. And they only allowed the administration to be changed every four years. They did allow for impeachment but they hardly made it easy.
And that is why for want of a wall, a presidency can be lost. The question is though, can those American government employees afford to wait two years for their paycheques? (Translation note: Americans call them ‘paychecks.’)
Copyright 2018 © Peter Lowry
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