In conversation with a Georgian College professor over Thanksgiving weekend, the topic of the electors’ choice in Babel came up. He opined that Babel seems to prefer do- nothing members of the House of Commons and the Ontario Legislature. “They are only voting for the leader,” he explained. “They don’t care who is running locally.”
This must be why we have the Bobbsey Twins representing us in Parliament and the Ontario Legislature. There is little positive to say about these Bobbsey Twins.
It is his third term, so the federal twin is finally being allowed to present a private member’s bill in Parliament. He earned the right in a lottery among back benchers with nothing to do. They are letting him present a bill in Parliament on something he would know very little about. It is a bill on breast cancer screening. We would probably be better off if that twin just sent his proxy to the Prime Minister and then there would be no need for Mr. Harper to tell him what to do. And just think of the expense of sending him to Ottawa that would save!
Twin Two is a neophyte in comparison. And he will be in the Opposition at the Ontario Legislature. No private member bills from him would have a chance. This is a guy who failed to get re-elected after one term representing Babel’s Ward 3 on city council. He could also give his proxy to his leader, Tiny Tim Hudak. Just think of what that would have saved us when Joe Tascona was driving back and forth from Babel. (Some people think Joe drove home to Babel by way of Timmins.) If we are smart, we will get the new kid a GO Train pass.
What our Bobbsey Twins have in common is that they both came out of the incubator of Babel City Council. They were blue babies. They both left city council in the same shape as they found it: leaning to the right.
Mind you, there is much that Twin One can teach Twin Two. First comes the skating lessons. Twin One wants no competition for his Hockey Night in Babel so he will have to let Twin Two in on that game. Twin Two can be the pretend captain of the Losers. He has the experience. Mind you, there are lots of charities that need champions, so Twin One can show Twin Two how to cash in on the publicity.
Babel media will be eager to give the Bobbsey Twins lots of publicity over the next four years. It will have some Babel mothers beaming to see the sweet little urchins at play
Copyright 2011 © Peter Lowry
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